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 My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.

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Počet príspevkov : 813
Join date : 06.04.2009

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.   My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. I_icon_minitimePi marec 18, 2011 6:33 pm

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.

Since I have broke my original Suzuki plastics, when I have a small accident , I decided to buy
an aftemarket fairing from Auctmarts (Auctmarts1 - Hong Kong ebay seller).

Inspiration :

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Mika

I bought "WEST edition" with little customization - all word "WEST", are replaced by "Riki".

Communication with Auctmarts was good, so we agreed to trade, and after about a week from payment, plastics were produced and I got the first pictures.

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Rikiwest

Then came Chinese New Year, so my plastics waited in China for about a week and a half,
then for 4 days they coming to Slovakia (my country) and at the border customs left them another
week and a half.

Auctmarts is fast, but other lenses influences the process slowed down. It did not bother me, because it was winter, and plastics could not be mounted in a could. I do not have heated garage.

Plastics were very well packed (now I already have a wrapping material for my whole life)

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Good_packed

Material of plastic is different than original Suzuki, but it is good, finish (painting) is very nice,
surprisingly nice.

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Nice

My only problem was the absence of the mounting points for directional light. I wrote it Auctmarts 3 times, but their answer was always :
"these are aftermarket fairing, the mounting tab is not the same as the OEM thing",
but they refunded me 40 USD, so it is OK for me.

this 3 mountimg poin is missing
My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. This_3points_is_missing

no mounting points
My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. No_mointing_points

my solution (not very professional, but it works correctly)
My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. My_solution

Plastics had not heating protection on back side
My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Not_heatprotekt

so I made it
My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Protekt

Plastics fit very well, nearly 100%. I used a lot of my original plastic (not painted inside plastic)
and fit together with Auctmarts plastic very well. Good point for Auctmarts!

I did not use the back of the cowling, because I do not need to replace it.


If you need plastics of the same quality as the original Suzuki plastics, do not buy Auctmarts fairing, because they are not.
But if you want very nice (surprisingly nice) and good fairing for a very good price, buy it from Auctmarts, because they are!

I am very happy with the new look of my bike, thank you Auctmarts !

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Moto0

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Moto1

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Moto2

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Moto3

Sorry for my english Smile))

somethig for selling :

other link :
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Počet príspevkov : 376
Join date : 01.05.2009
Age : 51
Bydlisko : blava

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.   My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. I_icon_minitimeSt január 28, 2015 11:55 am

...ale to vies, ze teraz ju uz mozes predat iba dakemu rikimu...ano ano, viem, ty ju nikdy nepredas... Very Happy
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 813
Join date : 06.04.2009

My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.   My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. I_icon_minitimeŠt január 29, 2015 8:58 am

No, neviem ci nikdy, ale v poslednom case mam zase take nutkanie, ze by mi stacila nejaka lahsia polo-kroska ... a pozeram , ze sa tu zaregistroval prave nejaky richard666 ...

... podla datumov pozeram , ze tie plasty uz mam 4 roky ...
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My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.   My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II. I_icon_minitime

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My new Auctmarts aftermarket fairing for Suzuki Hayabusa GEN II.
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